Recently, I have been reflecting on Mike Foster’s Seven Primal Questions.* According to Foster’s philosophy, each of us has one fundamental question we have been asking since childhood. I would like for everyone associated with Memphis Morning Center to realize that our staff, volunteers, patients, and partners are all searching for answers to their specific question. We each want an emphatic YES to this question—not just sometimes, not just a maybe. If we do not receive a firm “yes,” we will perceive every interaction as rejecting something we deeply need.
For example, my Primal Question is, "Am I SAFE?" I must feel safe to operate out of wholeness. If I do not feel safe, I will do whatever I can to force a YES to my question.
The great news is that the Gospel brings transformational answers to our questions.
If you have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, He—and He alone—answers a resounding ‘YES’ to your question. This truth was life-changing for me. I want our moms, their children and our staff to experience this knowing. It changes how you see everything.
When I heard at the age of 9 that Jesus was the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, I finally had an answer to my need for safety. This was all I needed to decide to follow Him. From that moment on, no matter how difficult life got or how many times my question was answered with no, or maybe, or sometimes, I knew Jesus was saying, ”YES, my child, YES.” Jesus never promised life would be easy, but He did promise to be with us and that He has a plan and purpose for our lives—ever since the foundation of the world. He sought us and bought us with His redeeming blood. What more could a child—or now a senior adult—need or want?
Our patients are no different. They also need a “yes” to their question—something we can bring clarity to as ambassadors of Jesus.
Because of my own question, I want our patients to feel safe when they walk in the clinic's door and in every connection they make while in our care. But I also want to be on the lookout for patients who need to feel secure, loved, wanted, successful, good enough, or with a purpose. As the Morning Center staff, we can share how Christ answers YES to all those questions.
May His Spirit continue to direct us and lead us as we seek to provide not only prenatal care but also these fundamental truths to our moms. We ALL need Jesus!
*More information about Foster’s Primal Questions can be found
At just 9 years old, Vickie West felt the call to medical missions. After 35+ years in administration, she unexpectedly found her calling in Memphis after feeling drawn to open a Morning Center clinic in 2013 at her home church. Vickie has served faithfully in many different roles, helping facilitate the partnership between MMC, Leawood Baptist Church, other ministry partners and beyond. Truth be told, there are FEW hats this unsung hero has not worn. Vickie is a true blessing and we would not be where we are today without her unwavering dedication and passion.